Manuali e supporto per i prodotti

Download product manuals and support documents


Download a range of support documents in a variety of languages; including product brochures, cleaning instructions, ISO certificates and product IFU manuals below:

Brochure di prodotto

Istruzioni per la pulizia del prodotto

Certificati normativi ISO

Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance:

The primary goal of Keeler is to prevent vision loss by making safe, legal, and high-quality medical devices available to our customers and clients.
Our products meet all applicable regulatory requirements, including UK Medical Device Regulation 2002, Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, and Medical Device Regulation 2017/745. By affixing the CE and UKCA markings to our products, we certify that they are safe and meet all requirements for environmental, health, and safety. Our certifications include ISO 13485, ISO 14001, Medical Device Single Audit Programme (MDSAP), UKCA and CE.

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